Wednesday, October 17, 2012

I Grabbed Ahold Of All My Dreams And Off We Flew...

Dreams, aspirations, desires, not all bad, everyone has them. Tonight I had the pleasure of taking the back seat at study and let my co-leader take the reins and he opened with asking each of us what we could be if we could be anything or go anywhere and why. When it came my turn I had several to answer with so I chose two of the big ones: I want to be a dorm parent at French Camp Academy some day, and I would love to be involved with Christian Veterinary Missions in some form. But there are so many other dreams I have, the smaller ones that influence my daily interactions with people, that I need to take into account as well.

As a study group we have been going over the "7 Deadly Sins" and this week was on lust. As a group we defined lust as: "An overmastering desire that puts the object of desire above God with disregard to the consequences." We didn't discuss lust as simply sexual lust, but also lust for possessions and status. So, back to how my answers to the opening question tie into it all. I have some great aspirations, are they lusts? Those aspirations aren't overmastering, just things I would like to do someday. BUT, I do have to admit I have lusts. Right now I'm lusting for a truck, it has been overpowering for sure! Every single night I have spent hours scouring ads, 2+ nights a week I have been at dealerships talking to pushy salespeople, and so far it's been all for nothing. On one hand, a vehicle is a genuine need with the weather getting cold, on another, it has become an overpowering thing in the past few weeks. Something else a friend posed to me when I was having a rough time of it this past week was this: "Are you missing your ex, or missing having a boyfriend?". That one hit home pretty hard. I have always dreamed of being married and being special to someone and having a man to love, and I have to admit it has made itself a lustful desire in my life. The want to be wanted, and the want for the status of being someone's girl. Are either of these thoughts or dreams bad in and of themselves? No. God created us to want relationships, the desire to be with a man was put there by Him, but when it becomes a distraction to my relationship with God it has become a lustful idol.

These small dreams have pulled me away from my relationship with God. Instead of being a part of God's plan and letting them happen as He wishes, I have tried to put my hand in and focus on them so intensely that I haven't been diligent in my devotions, I have been so caught up in needing finances for a car that I haven't tithed regularly. I have allowed and even promoted these roadblocks in my relationship with God.

Am I a hopeless case? No. Thanks to God's grace I can right what I have been doing wrong. Thanks to His forgiveness I can work towards being a "living and holy sacrifice" even when I do allow things to get in the way, He will still be there when I come back, even though there are consequences.

A friend of mine wrote this song when we were apprentices together, and it has always been one of my favorites. It's about hanging onto our dreams when they pull us away from God. Through tear filled eyes I listened to this song and finally let go tonight. You can listen to the audio version here, the title is "The Balloon Song" by Rachel Mozeika

I grabbed a hold of all my dreams and off we flew,
When my feet they left the ground and I didn’t realize I was leaving you.
Farther and farther, higher and higher
These arms of mine are getting tired
Your gravity is pulling me back to You.

But I think it’s time to let go
Of everything I’ve ever known
Oh the climbs just getting harder
I know that this is gonna hurt
But it’s gonna be much worse
If I hold on much longer

It’s something that was so in vain
Something that I thought I needed
Turned out to be so small
It’s all my fault I’ve drifted so far away from You
I think it’s time to let go,
Time to let go
Of this balloon

It was my choice whether or not to grab ahold of it,
And as I look back down it's beginning to be something I regret,
 Farther and farther, higher and higher,
Your gravity keeps pulling me back to You

But I think it’s time to let go
Of everything I’ve ever known
Oh the climbs just getting harder
I know that this is gonna hurt
But it’s gonna be much worse
If I hold on much longer

It’s something that was so in vain
Something that I thought I needed
Turned out to be so small
It’s all my fault I’ve drifted so far away from You
I think it’s time to let go,
Time to let go
Of this balloon

It comes in all shapes and colors
And some people choose to hold on longer than others
But sometimes all our dreams aren’t always the best for us
And who we really need to cling to is Jesus

Oh I think it’s time to let go
Of everything I’ve ever known
Oh the climbs just getting harder
I know that this is gonna hurt
But it’s gonna be much worse
 If I hold on much longer

It’s something that was so in vain
Something that I thought I needed
Turned out to be so small
It’s all my fault I’ve drifted so far away from You
I think it’s time to let go,
I just let go,
Of this balloon

Thursday, October 11, 2012

I Said I'm Waiting For Dawn...

Waiting for my emotions to change. Waiting to feel better inside. Waiting to feel safe and whole again. I heard this song tonight and it has had my head and heart running around in circles. My heart feels homeless, like it can't find anywhere to just rest. But have I even been looking for a place, or to busy trying to ignore the need for that rest and abiding? Have I been so overly active and busy in some things that I have been slothful and neglectful in others?

The last phrase of lyrics sounds a lot like me right now. Every now and then I see you dreaming, Every now and then I see you cry, Every now and then I see you reaching, Reaching for the other side. Some of my best friends have seen the mood swings, the sometimes instant change in me. I'll have a small dream here or there, but something as simple as one comment from someone will crush me. Somewhere I lost my tough skin and soft heart, instead I feel like I have a thin skin and a hard heart for others in its place, and I hate it. In my inability to handle my own emotions and abide in God's rest I have become calloused to those that my heart should be soft towards. It is hard to admit but it's true.

God says all I need to do is come, that His yoke is easy and burden is light, that He is my fortress and my stronghold, I know it all in my head, but in my heart I still struggle to simply admit that I can't do it alone. Dawn will come, but only if I open my eyes to see the light.

What are you waiting for, the day is gone?
I said I'm waiting for dawn
What are you aiming for out here alone?
I said I'm aiming for home

Holding on

Holding on

With red eyes what are you looking for?

With red eyes, red eyes

All of my days are spent within this skin

Within this cage that I'm in
Nowhere feels safe to me, nowhere feels home
Even in crowds I'm alone

Holding on

Holding on

Every now and then I see you dreaming

Every now and then I see you cry
Every now and then I see you reaching
Reaching for the other side
What are you waiting for?

Monday, October 8, 2012

Startin' With Me...

   Security, or insecurity, faith or fear, fulfilled or lonely, at peace or miserable, comforted or bitter... the extremes of my life as of late. The source of my stability can't be the people around me, they fail, can't be my circumstances, they change, can't be myself, because I am nowhere near perfect!

   I make decisions based on faith, initially have a peace about them, but yet find myself doubting those decisions later. I put my expectations in people, in circumstances being just how I planned out in my head, and find myself angry and torn apart inside.

   This past week and a half have been the hardest for me in a long time. I feel like I have been functioning on just above empty. Like there is nothing left to give to anybody, or anything. Today I worked a 12 hour day, I got home and all I wanted to do was take a shower and pass out in bed, yet my head is spinning a million miles an hour. It hasn't taken much to put me in tears the past couple of weeks either. Little things like songs on the radio, going certain places, or the date on the calendar have pushed me to the brink.

   In church we have been doing on a new series called "How To Be Alone And Miserable For The Rest Of Your Life" and it's been on different things that cause us to be without relationship. The first week was on bitterness, last week was selfishness, yesterday was on the power of our words. All 3 have hit home in hard ways and dredged up things that I wish I could go back and change. Am I supposed to let them go? Or am I supposed to go back and try to fix them?

   The only way to fix anything is to change myself first, and it has to be from the inside out. It has to be a God motivated heart change, nothing else will stick.

 If I had a dime
For half the things I did
That didn’t make no sense at all
I’d be living a little higher on the hog
If only I’d of known
That later on down the road
I’d look back and not like what I see
I’d of changed a lot of things
Startin’ with me

Sunday, September 16, 2012

All Creatures Of Our God and King...

A rainbow I saw from my backyard
Sunrises, the stars on a clear night, thunderstorms, rainbows, snowflakes, birds, foals, eyes... just a few of the things that put me in awe of the One who created them. As we transition to fall, and will soon have snow in the mountains here in UT, I am continually reminded of God's hand in the world around me. Driving to work this past week we had a glorious rainbow, we haven't had one all summer due to the drought, and just seeing it as I drove brought tears to my eyes as I heard in my heart "I have it all under control". He speaks through everything around me, be it my niece's giggles and curiosity, or the amazing way he created the horses that I treat and work with on a daily basis, or the sky that He paints in majestic colors every morning and every night, He is always there.

Recently I have been seeing reminders of how powerful, and yet how loving, He is to me. His amazing power in a thunderstorm, His knowledge and care in how He created every living thing to be just so, His compassion in a rainbow, His faithfulness in the sunrise every morning. When I'm attentive to things He created I hear His voice like He is speaking directly to me. David got it right when he said "The heavens declare the glory of God; and their expanse is declaring the work of His hands. Day to day pours forth speech, and night to night reveals knowledge." (Psalms 19:1-3) If I simply listen in my heart to what I can see with my eyes then my reverence and awe and worship of the God that created them would be more from my heart.

Monday, September 10, 2012

I Love Jesus, Does He Know?

 Yesterday my mom shared a blog with me by the title of Grace For The Road. The particular post was "I don't Wait Anymore", I want to share pieces of that post with you as well as some of my own thoughts.

When I turned 16 my parents presented me with my purity ring, and I wear it to this day, but after reading this blog it really has me questioning the motives behind wearing it.

There are a lot of girls out there who don’t know who God is anymore – the God of their youth group years just isn’t working out. Back then, that God said to wait for sex until they are married, until He brings the right man along for a husband. They signed a card and put it on the altar and pledged to wait. And waited and waited and waited. Some of them have prayed their whole lives for a husband, and he hasn’t shown up. They’ve heard the advice to “be the woman God made you to be, focus on that, and then the husband will come.” They’ve read “Lady in Waiting,” gotten super involved in church and honed their domestic skills. And they still wait.

So many young women these days are hounded with the saying "true love waits", and I'm not slamming their campaign or saying that sex before marriage is ok, but they are waiting for God to fulfill some sort of deal. That if they follow Him then He will automatically give them a man so they can give everything to that man. I myself have been in that place with God, doing what I think He wants me to do so He will bring me the man of my dreams. When things didn't go as I planned I got mad at God, repeatedly. Several times I made major life decisions based on what was happening in that man's life, because I was living in a state of waiting. Waiting, thinking that if I did everything just right then I would have him.

Unlike the author of the post I still wear my ring. I'm not going to live my life like I am waiting for a man to appear so my life can begin anymore, I'm not going to love Jesus on the condition that He brings a man into my life, instead my ring will be a reminder to just simply love Jesus. The purity should be a side effect of my love for Him, not the central focus.

Katlin, or Katie as most people call me, means "pure in heart". The verse quoted most in relation to my name is "Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.". It makes more sense now that I think about it in light of the article. In order to be truly pure in heart I must be pursuing God out of a deep love for Him, and that love and relationship with Him will produce the drive and desire for a pure heart. And someday, when God decides that the time is right, a man will join me in my pursuit of Him. But I'm not waiting any longer.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

There's Something About A Woman...

So, this whole being single again thing has had me thinking a lot lately about what it means to be a woman, and especially what it means to be a woman worth wanting, and a woman who can be a support to her man.

The most extensive passage on being a woman of virtue and a woman who is a blessing not only to her man but to her family is Proverbs 31. This woman is described as being trusted by her husband, she works with her hands, feeds her family and maidens, she clothes her family and has the financial smarts to buy a field and plant a vineyard, she is strong and serves the needy, and knowledge and wisdom are on her lips. When I first read this passage it leaves me feeling a little unqualified and overwhelmed, but the passage doesn't just give a lengthy "to-do" list, there are also rewards sprinkled among the verses. She does not fear for her family because they are provided for, she will be known as a woman who fears the Lord, her husband is known in the gates, her husband trusts in her, she may be hard to find but that makes her worth far more than jewels. When first viewed as a whole the idea of even possibly being that woman appears daunting, kind of like first getting the syllabus for school at the beginning of a semester, but after stepping back and looking at the individual pieces it really isn't all that hard. Each "task" or "characteristic" simply takes daily dedication, a little bit of time each day and it isn't so hard. The best daily picture for me is my housecleaning, I tend to let it pile up until the weekends because my days are so long at work right now, but then on Saturday it is like this huge task I have to take on and it looks impossible. If I simply did a little bit here and there every day when Saturday came around there might just be one or two things left to do and then I could enjoy my day.

What place a woman should hold in society has been controversial, and will continue to be, but in whatever "status" God has placed a woman she still wields immense power through how she influences the men in her life. If you listen to country music for any length of time you'll here songs about moms, wives, girlfriends, and how they swayed the men around them. The question is, do I want to be the wife that empowers her man, or the woman who drives her man to want to live on the corner of the rooftop?

"There's somethin about a woman that makes a man a man"

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

We Are Family...