Wednesday, August 1, 2012

I Am Not Skilled To Understand What God Has Willed What God Has Planned...

So, instead of fielding 100 questions from all of you I am simply going to address them here.

What: Shane and I are no longer a couple

Why: Over the past month or so we were addressing some tough topics that brought up more things from way back before we even started dating. Once he thought them over more thoroughly he decided that I would be better off with someone who accepts me for who I am from the beginning, instead of trying to change me to fit his mold.

Do I want to discuss any more details: No. If I did I would contact you personally.

Is God Still In Control: Yes, but the cry of my heart right now is that I don't understand. I know I don't need to understand everything God does and how He leads, if I did then I could be god (and that would end badly!), I'm just struggling to see any good in this right now. I know right now a lot of it is just raw emotion and fighting to maintain perspective as life just seems to go on, and that will ease as time passes.

What I Ask For: Prayer and understanding. Prayer for peace and wisdom. Prayer for a calm and quiet heart. Understanding from my friends that I may be a little emotional and a little absent right now.

A dear friend shared Psalms 121 with me last night, and it encouraged my heart. I love the Psalms anyways since David is so raw with his emotions, it lets me know that it is really ok to just be honest with God with how I feel. Annyways, I'm gonna share the chapter with you.

Psalms 121 - "I will lift up my eyes to the mountains; from where shall my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. He will not allow your foot to slip; He who keeps you will not slumber. Behold, He who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord is your keeper; the Lord is your shade on your right hand. The sun will not smite you by day, nor the moon by night. The Lord will protect you from all evil; He will keep your soul. The Lord will guard your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forever."


  1. Mommy and Daddy love you now and FOREVER. You are a bright, beautiful, deep young woman and we trust that the Lord knows, feels, and understands everything you are going through. The best is truly yet to come darlin. Know that we will pray you through!

  2. Katie....sometimes it is in our deepest,darkest moments that God reveals himself.He has a plan for you...
    In the meantime,he has big shoulders and can understand your pain,sadness and anger.He has waited patiently for me,many times.
    I will be thinking of you.....sore hearts really hurt.

  3. love you, Katie! I'm SOOO VERY SORRY for you. :/ Yes, God does things that are WAAAAY BEYOND what we can wrap our little minds around.. He allows us to feel hurt that we think might literally kill us. Yet He IS FAITHFUL to be our ROCK, our COMFORTER, our Strong Tower. He is MIGHTY to save and keep us. Keep running to Jesus and enjoy this time with your family.. God WILL provide ALL your needs in Christ Jesus! :)

    Love you, Sweet Girl!


    Tonya Nason

  4. Hey sweetie, just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you and praying for you always! Always here to talk if you need a listening ear. Love you!
